Café Cantante!
April 27, 2018
8:00 pm
San Francisco, California
Clarion Music and Performing Arts Center
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A whimsical journey to the world of the  ‘Singing Cafes’ immortalized by

Garcia Lorca in his poem ‘Café Cantante’ told through the eyes of a young woman
who unexpectedly encounters her own extraordinary history!

Conceived, written and directed by
Vismaya Lhi and Danica Sena

choreographed by Danica Sena
original poetry by Clara Hsu
with music by Garcia Lorca, Isaac Albeniz, Fernando Obradors,
Chueca y Valverde and Giuseppe Verdi!

Danica Sena as Antonia La Marchita
Vismaya Lhi as Rosario, La Gatita
Clara Hsu as Buckeye Moon
Tristan Robben as Italo/Spanish baritone Giácomo Fernández
Zoltan DiBartolo as Spanish tenor Pepe El Espolón
Osvaldo de Leon as pianist/composer Dardo Aguirre
David Páez as guitarist El Corbata
and introducing:
Lea Nayak Fernández as Bellota